The Dept contacted us today to advise that we are now required to pay for our assessment. Assessment is where an adoption case worker (social worker) interviews Aaron and I over a period of time and writes a report on our suitability as adoptive parents. Pretty darn suitable, I hope!
Posted by
6:27 pm
Tags: assessment, paperwork
I am sure you are more than suitable! Good luck to you!
You will have no problems surviving assessment, Emma. You are both sane, caring and intelligent people who have so much love and hope to give a child who would not necessarily have any.
Just prepare yourselves to be asked a millioin questions - read lots and speak to as many adoptive parents about their experiences. Also, if you haven't already done it, enrol in and attend an Adoption Parenting course.
Best of luck and keep us posted.
:) Blondie
The homestudy (as we call it) sounds a lot scarier than it is. You will do GREAT!!! One step ...kilometer... closer!!
I'm with'll do fine. We were so stressed out for our home study...and it went fine. Think of it as just another box to check off!
The homestudy was a lot easier than I expected (touch wood) and I'm sure you will find the same.
Just keep the receipt number for your assessment fee!
You will be OK and it is a nice mielstone... feels like something is really, really happening! All the best.
"pretty darn suitable"
well that goes without saying doesn't it! Always good to read up on how the long process is progressively becoming that bit shorter....
Hello, Thanks for stopping by my blog.
The process seems a bit more strict where you are. Good luck.
Everything will be OK. You sound like you have the great qualities that it takes to be a good parent.
Yep, long road... but will definitely be worth it... just check out Lisa and Doug's little Briana!
I've just noticed you're doing a 100 good wishes quilt! Can I send you a square or 2? Please email me,
Let me know any colour/design preferences for fabric, and sq. size! :) Lee-Anne
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