Friday, January 25, 2008

USA here I come!

Do I have any bloggy buddies in Seattle? I was told today that I'm heading there in March for a few days for work. Sadly I am not able to add any days before or after to scoot around America visiting people I would love to meet and checking out the sights, so I'm a little restricted... but if you're in the area let me know so I can work something out!

I'm a little concerned about how COLD I will be and whether I'll have enough warm clothes. I live in beautiful, warm Queensland where I get to wear a jacket only about three days each year.


D said...

I am so sad that is so far away! I would love to meet up with you!!!

I don't think I know of any blogger buddies in Seattle...

OziMum said...


We had a tough time choosing between a holiday in China or the US. China won out!

Have an awesome time!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I am in Florida... (once in Newcastle, NSW) and I too wear a jacket probably a week a year... weird when I am use to the 4 seasons... have a great time in the US and don't forget... you leave a tip over here... make sure when you change your money over you get a handful of $1 notes... look forward to reading about your adventures over here...